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COVID-19 Effecting the Medical Industry

Dr Implants

COVID-19 has installed fear in the public all around the world. It has affected many people, the virus is extremely deadly hence why many countries have enforced lockdowns across the globe.

We are based in the United Kingdom, it has come in force to stay home and only go for essential travels only.

However, the travel to Turkey is not restricted. Sooner or later they will put a ban.


COVID-19 is the reason.

How long will it last?

Maybe another 6 months or 12 months dependent on how the public carry out the Lockdown.

What will happen if it carries on?

Businesses that depend on foreign business links will die out, for example, individuals who are within the medical industry such as ourselves.

Death is rising due to COVID-19, so we need to be prepared for another economic struggle.

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